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Ayurvedic Remedy for Male Impotence | Rajvilas

Ayurvedic Remedy for Male Impotence

Impotence, alternatively known as erectile dysfunction, is a condition when a man can't keep an erection or is unable to get an erection. It is a multidimensional but common male sex dysfunction that involves organic, relational and psychological components.

In the past, erectile dysfunction was considered to be solely due to psychogenic disorder, but current studies suggest that 80% of cases have organic etiology.

From a clinical perspective, erectile dysfunction every so often paves the way for cardiological events and can be a sign of cardiovascular disease.

Regardless of this, erectile dysfunction inflicts negative effects on personal relationships, quality of life and mental health.

The effect of erectile dysfunction is bidirectional. It is not only an issue for an individual, but also for the couple. Men experience embarrassment and distress related to erectile dysfunction and avoid this situation as a result of fear. This avoidance results in continued distress, anxiety and relationship difficulties. Fortunately, Ayurveda has treatment for erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems of men without any side effects.

So, if you are marveling at how to treat erectile dysfunction organically, this article is for you.

What causes Impotence?

The causes can be physical or medical conditions such as diabetes, spinal cord injury, obesity, kidney disease, trauma, peripheral neuropathy, usage of alcohol and smoking.

Smoking and alcohol abuse have a strong effect on sexual health. Diets that are low in whole grain foods, high in red meat, fatty and sugary food and beverages increase risk of erectile dysfunction.

Psychological factors include stress, anxiety, depression. Performance anxiety in men with sexual dysfunction leads to avoidance of sex, depression and loss of self-esteem.

What Ayurveda Says about Erectile Dysfunction

In Ayurveda, ED is referred to as Klaibya. As per Ayurveda, there are 4 types of Klaibya namely, Beejopaghaataja Klaibya, abnormality in sperms; Shukrakshayaja Klaibya, decrease in semen; Dhwajopaghataja Klaibya, inflammation in Man penis, penis infection and Jarasambhavaj klaibya, low testosterone levels.

Vedic texts mention, excess intake of food that are sour, heavy or high in sugar and salt can result in erectile dysfunction. It also states that Vata dosha together with emotions like fear, confusion, anger, jealousy may have adverse effects on sex health.

Ayurvedic Remedy for Male Impotence

Ancient practice of Yoga and Herbal Remedies are considered to be effective and safe for mental, physical and sexual health.

Yoga helps in calming the mind, lowering anxiety and stress, the major psychological factors that are known as mood killers. Regular practice of yoga helps in improving mood, sexual desire and energy.

Herbs that have shown proven benefit on erectile dysfunction include ashwagandha, shilajit, swarna bhasma, gokshura, safed musli, shatavari, cinnamon, etc.


Rajvilas sex medicine, is an effective and failsafe remedy for impotence prepared with herbs such as Shilajit, Swarna Bhasma and Ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha is a sattvic herb that produces energy and enhances stamina. Rajvilas sex medicine ensures that you get a strong, but regulated dose of ashwagandha with every drop.

Ashwagandha is known as an adaptogen. It reduces stress and mental fatigue that is known to adversely affect sexual health.

Shilajit or Mumijo is a blackish-brown mountain rock often found in Himalayas, Tibet and Afghanistan. Purified shilajit has been used in Ayurveda for centuries for the presence of fulvic acid and other valuable minerals.

The studies on Shilajit showed that people who took 100 mg of shilajit for 90 days had increased sperm count, amount of healthy sperm and sperm motility.

In the healing practice of Ayurveda, rasa shastra deals with standard herbo-mineral formulations. Gold is used in the form of purified metallic fine powder called Swarna Bhasma.

Swarna Bhasma has free radical scavenging properties, anti-anxiety and anti-depressive properties, and has restorative effects. Additionally, it increases immunity, overall strength and endurance.

A powerful combination of these herbo-minerals forms a potent remedy, called Rajvilas, for erectile dysfunction.

Rajvilas sex power tablet is purely based on Ayurvedic Science.


Ayurveda medicine for sex that is safe, effective and are known for enduring effect. Ayurveda treats with medicines that are both preventive as well as curative in aspects of sex issues. Problem of anxiety and stress impacts sex life. Rajvilas works as a stress reliever and balances body energies excitingly and effectively

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